Picture Gallery

The Dresden ornaments shown here are only a part of what there once was. The gallery will continue to grow over time. For this I need your help. If you have pieces that are not shown here and you would like them to be shown here for all collectors to see and to illustrate the incredible variety of Dresden ornaments, I would be pleased to receive your photos.

To provide some clarity, I have divided the Dresden cardboard objects into categories. Of those pieces of which I was able to find the producer, I have noted this under the picture. Furthermore, I have tried to give further information about the objects, if known (for example, if they were demonstrably used as Christmas tree decorations, as Attrappen, candy containers or for a cotillon tour).

AT = Attrappe, BO = Bonbonniere (candy container), CBS = Christbaumschmuck (Christmas tree ornament), CT = Cotillon tour, HE = Hersteller (producer), HP = Halbplastisch (Semi-plastic)

It is only thanks to the outstanding support of (in alphabetical order) Darla & Jerry Arnold, Betty Bell, Susanne Berensmann-Gauder, the Fichtner family, Susanne Freericks, Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion, Robert Merck, Katherine Mouridsen, Barbara Slarks, Margrit Utz, Désirée van der Waal, the Zitzmann family, and other collectors from home and abroad who provided me with photos of their Dresden cardboard treasures, that the picture gallery could come into its current form. I, of course, hope for more pictures. For this reason, I would be delighted if many more collectors would share pictures of their treasures with us. Only together can we create the most comprehensive archive possible of the pieces made at that time.

photos in the picture gallery
over 0
Amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, shells, insects
Figure combinations
Carriages & technology
Other motifs
Militaria & weapons
Musical instruments